This Community Service activity was chaired by Drs. Purwantono, M.Pd with two members namely Drs. Abdul Aziz, M.Pd and Junil Adri, S.Pd, M.Pd.T lecturers of the Department of Mechanical Engineering FT UNP by involving partners, the community and students in 2021. This activity was carried out in the Palangki Koto IV village, Sijunjung Regency, around 100 Km from the capital of West Sumatra, Padang. Palangki is famous for the Cattle Market. The people of Nagari Palangki are quite a lot who raise cows. Cattle production is only used for sale as meat and milk production.

The advantages of using bio gas fuel have considerations including environmental friendliness. Biogas is a fuel produced from the decomposition of organic matter that occurs under anaerobic conditions.

This community service activity aims to provide insight to the community in Nagari Palangki about the use of dung as bio gas. Where this Bio Gas can be used as fuel, especially in helping people to cook at home. It is used as a reference or an illustration to the community about the use of cow dung as fuel. So that people can improve their economic level in saving fuel from other fuels.